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Tax Impact

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Barrington 220 continues to honor our community’s commitment to fiscal responsibility. Our Board of Education and administration are good stewards of the public’s tax dollars, spending less than half the state average on administrative costs and maintaining a responsible fund balance that is more conservative than many districts. This allows our district to have one of the lowest tax rates of all peer school districts. We are in our 28th consecutive year of a balanced budget with a AAA bond rating from S&P, one of only 88 school districts nationwide to earn that recognition.

The final $64 million community-driven plan would cost the average district household an additional $236 per year (based on $500,000 home, market value) over 20 years. Please utilize our tax calculator below to determine your tax impact.

Tax Impact Graphic

Tax Calculator

Current tax rate chart

Barrington 220's tax rate is currently the 4th lowest tax rate compared to area school districts. If the referendum is successful, Barrington 220's tax rate would be the 5th lowest tax rate.