Station Middle School
The new additions at Prairie Campus and Station Campus feature future-ready and flexible learning environments and include classroom spaces, small and medium group rooms, and shared collaboration zones. The design emphasizes flexibility, allowing classrooms to adapt to various teaching and learning styles and giving large teams the ability to collaborate harmoniously within these educational spaces. (Photo: Station Campus)
The state-of-the-art additions at Prairie Campus and Station Campus have many unique spaces that help break down traditional classroom barriers and broaden options for collaborative or independent learning spaces. (Photo: Station Campus)
Students use the flexible furniture to work collaboratively in the main hallway of the new addition. The new addition provides students with the opportunity to choose from various workspaces.
Past and current Board of Education members, as well as past and current district leaders, attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the end of construction at Station in August 2022.
Construction crews begin the demolition of the mobile classrooms at Station Campus. (June 7, 2021)
Approximately $13 million out of the $147 million referendum was allocated to Station Middle School, which included all construction costs and non-construction items such as safety and security, furniture and technology. Beyond general repairs and maintenance, as well as safety and security upgrades, the major project at Station was the construction of a new classroom addition, which replaced the former mobile classrooms. Construction at Station began in Summer 2021 and was completed on time and within budget for the start of the 2022-23 school year.