Board of Education Meetings
All regular Board of Education meetings are held on Tuesday evenings, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 p.m., immediately followed by Open Session at 6:00 p.m. All Board meetings are live-streamed on the Board's YouTube channel.
Unless otherwise noted, the meetings will take place at the District Administrative Center, 515 West Main Street, Barrington, Illinois. Changes in meeting location, dates, and times will be noted in advance of the meeting. Notices will be posted at least 48 hours in advance of an upcoming meeting.
Public Comment at Board Meetings
Public Comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless there are over 20 people signed up, at which time the limit would become 2 minutes. Public Comment can be limited to one hour to move forward with Board business. If there are additional comments, the Board will hear them at the end of the meeting. Attendees interested in Public Comment must be present and sign only themselves in by 6:00pm. By signing in, you agree to follow the expectations outlined in Policy 8:30 (Visitors to and Conduct on School Property). Board policy 2:230 requires those speaking to identify themselves by first and last name. Comments should be in good taste and demonstrate consideration for others. Comments regarding specific individuals are inappropriate.
Who Else May I Contact?
While anyone is welcome to speak to the Board of Education, please keep in mind that there are also other channels available to individuals who have a question or concern. A classroom question or concern should be discussed with the classroom teacher. If the issue is not resolved at the classroom level, the issue may be brought to the attention of the principal. A school-level question or concern should be discussed with the principal (or department supervisor). If the issue is not resolved at the school level, the issue may be brought to the attention of one of Barrington 220's assistant superintendents.
Jeanine Stark
Board Recording Secretary