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Student Fees

While local property taxes are the primary source of funding to support public education, each year the Board of Education assesses additional fees to families whose children attend a Barrington 220 school. As is standard practice in school districts throughout the Chicago area, these fees are charged to families whose students currently benefit from the programs, courses and technologies of a Barrington 220 education. Tax-paying residents who do not have school-age children are not responsible for these fees.

There are three categories of fees that may be collected annually for every student who attends a Barrington 220 school, both during the regular school year and summer school. While the amounts may vary depending on the grade level, the categories are the same for each student whether the student is in the elementary, middle or high school grades.

  • GENERAL FEES: support the operation of educational programming. The district or an individual school can assess a General Fee or it may pertain to an optional item selected by the parent. General fees support expenses for technology, student ID cards, middle and high school yearbooks, instructional materials, textbooks, free admittance to athletic and co-curricular events, and other daily classroom expenses. Optional/replacement purchase fees within the general category may  include: student meals, a physical education class uniform, a hall or P.E. lock if needed, PTO dues, and high school parking privileges. General Fees are due by Aug. 1 before the next school year.
  • COURSE & PROGRAM FEES: provide materials and services unique to a specific course or program in which a student enrolls. These fees often pertain to instrumental music classes, world language courses, drivers education, and programs for which a uniform or equipment is required. Course & Program Fees typically cover the cost of consumable materials, insurance or one-time rentals and purchases. Course & Program Fees for both semesters are due by Feb. 1 during each year in which a student enrolls in a qualifying class.

  • OBLIGATION FEES: are assessed as needed when a student fails to return district property or has outstanding liabilities. While uncommon but sometimes necessary, Obligation Fees are collected for damaged or lost laptop computers and textbooks, fines for overdue library materials and unpaid student fees or meal accounts.

According to the Board of Education policy, a refund of prorated fees can be requested before March 1 if a student withdraws from the school district. Fees for consumable materials, however, are not refundable.

Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, any student account with an outstanding balance on December 1 will be assessed a late fee of $25.00. The late fee will not be applied to accounts with outstanding balances that only consist of optional fees for the Barrington 220 Educational Foundation, PTO memberships, and BCIC Family Contributions. The late fee also will not be applied to accounts with an approved payment plan. 

Students whose families meet the federal income guidelines for free lunch from the previous year's free/reduced lunch program are eligible for fee waivers. Fees will also be waived for students whose parents are receiving ADC (Adult Day Care) and those under DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) or any foster home placement.

conceptual drawing of graduate with colored pencils in background

student Fees


Please contact the FEES Department at