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Elementary Library Focus Areas

  • Information Literacy: Understanding the library and how to use it; understanding the roles of author & illustrator; early research skills
  • Media Literacy: Learning that there are different types of sources; creating simple products to share learning
  • Digital Literacy: Personal v. private information; handling devices safely; knowing grown-ups can help us with technology
  • Individual Literacy: Appreciating different types of books; learning to locate books within the library; understanding fiction & nonfiction
1st Grade
  • Information Literacy: Asking and answering questions; using text features; choosing information that is important vs. interesting
  • Media Literacy: Facts vs. opinion; combining information from multiple sources; sharing what we learned in different formats
  • Digital Literacy: Paraphrasing; personal vs. private information; listening to our “guts” online; knowing that not everything online is appropriate for kids
  • Individual Literacy: Appreciating different types of books; learning to locate books within the library; understanding fiction & nonfiction
2nd Grade
  • Information Literacy: Guiding our own inquiry with good questions; using a variety of nonfiction resources such as databases; beginning citations
  • Media Literacy: Using new tools to share learning (such as Google Slides and docs, Clips, etc.); beginning to give and receive peer feedback
  • Digital Literacy: Using databases; balancing online and offline activities; sharing safely and kindly online
  • Individual Literacy: Using online catalogs to locate books; appreciating literature; understanding the traits of genres
3rd Grade
  • Information Literacy: Using keywords when searching for information; explaining online vocabulary; paraphrasing and crediting our sources
  • Media Literacy: Independently choosing sources for inquiry; note taking; choosing media for sharing learning
  • Digital Literacy: Crediting our sources for information and media; explaining the need to protect private information; knowing that online actions can have offline consequences
  • Individual Literacy: Using online catalogs to locate books; appreciating literature; identifying parts of story structure; making connections to diverse perspectives
4th Grade
  • Information Literacy: Using advanced search features; asking our own clarifying questions; paraphrasing, bibliographies, and avoiding plagiarism
  • Media Literacy: Evaluating websites; combining sources; recognizing primary vs. secondary sources
  • Digital Literacy: Collaborating using technology; recognizing malware, phishing scams and risky content; understanding that what we see online can be faked; communicating respectfully
  • Individual Literacy: Identify the traits of genre; use advanced features when searching the catalog; Hero’s Journey
5th Grade
  • Information Literacy: Independent research; finding and understanding licensing and copyright information; creating bibliographies
  • Media Literacy: Evaluating websites; comparing and contrasting information across multiple resources; looking for bias and misinformation; sharing learning in multiple ways
  • Digital Literacy: Ethically selecting and crediting sources; understanding about our digital footprint; recognizing Clickbait and understanding the danger of it; identifying the pros and cons of online communication
  • Individual Literacy: Participating in literary discussions; empathizing with different viewpoints