Transitional Bilingual Education
Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE), which is our One Way Immersion (OWI) Developmental Bilingual Program, is designed for Spanish speaking English Language Learners in kindergarten through grade 12. The goals for students in the TBE/OWI program include a smooth transition into mainstream classrooms as well as bilingualism, bi-literacy, and high academic achievement.
At the elementary level, self-contained TBE/OWI full-time classrooms are located at Sunny Hill Elementary School. At the secondary level (grades 6-12), we offer TBE part-time; students are in general education blocks, but receive native language support from certified bilingual teachers. Additionally, TBE certified teachers co-teach with general education teachers. TBE students in grades 6-12 can also participate in our advanced Spanish courses that further develop their native language. TBE schools include both Barrington 220 middle schools and Barrington High School.
Program Goals for the TBE/OWI Program are consistent with requirements of Article 14 C of the IL School Code. The main goals of the TBE/OWI program are to provide ESL instruction and native language instruction for the purpose of transitioning Spanish speaking ELLs into mainstream classes, where English is the medium of instruction.
Program Length
Students should remain in the TBE/OWI program until they have at least reached state criteria on the WIDA ACCESS test; which is the standardized test of English language proficiency mandated in IL. The test assesses the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as the instructional language of the content areas of math, science and social studies in English.
Curriculum & Instruction
TBE/OWI students develop English proficiency in the four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing; as well as the instructional language used in math, science and social studies. ELLs in the TBE/OWI program are taught by general education and TBE/OWI teachers using the Barrington 220 core curriculum materials, WIDA English Development (ELD) Standards and progression from the IL Learning Standards.
Role of the Parent
The role of the parent in the TBE/OWI program is crucial. Parents are urged to participate in their child’s education for maximum academic and language success. Many opportunities will be available for parental involvement in homework, classroom activities and adult workshops in English. TBE/OWI parents are invited to join the Barrington 220 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) which meets at least four times a year and collaborates with all Barrington 220 staff. The Barrington 220 Family School Liaison (FSL) and Director of ELL work with all ELL parents to encourage family involvement in every aspect of their children’s education.
Rebecca Wiegel
Director of Language Programs