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Teaching & Learning

Committed to developing and supporting instructional programs, as well as the use of data to inform instruction, the Department of Teaching & Learning supports the district in the following ways:

  • Supports the development and implementation of curriculum PreK-12+
  • Develops and provides professional learning for staff 
  • Supports a strong continuum of services for all students including, but not limited to Extended Services and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) 
  • Provides oversight to Barrington 220’s language programming
  • Supports fine, visual, and performing arts programming 
  • Oversees Barrington 220's equity initiatives
curriculum & Programs
Barrington 220 has a robust curriculum review cycle in order to ensure curriculum is dynamic and meeting the needs of students.

curriculum review process

Photo of Melissa Byrne


Dr. Melissa Byrne 
Asst. Superintendent of Teaching & Learning

org chART

equity 220
instructional materials 
Teaching & Learning STAFF
< 1 2 3 4 > showing 17 - 24 of 29 constituents

Amanda Michael

Budgeting and Grant Specialist/Admin Asst to the Asst. Sup. of T&L
District Administrative Center

Katherine Muhtaris

Elementary Instructional Facilitator
District Administrative Center

Jennifer Parisi

Instructional Coach
Roslyn Road Elementary School

Nathaniel Rouse

Director of Equity, Race & Cultural Diversity Initiatives
District Administrative Center

Kimberly Ryder

Instructional Coach
Barbara B. Rose Elementary School

Katherine Schmitt

Instructional Coach
Barrington High School

Jeffrey Spella

Instructional Coach
Station Middle School

Meagan Stass

Instructional Coach
Prairie Middle School
< 1 2 3 4 > showing 17 - 24 of 29 constituents