Teaching & Learning
Committed to developing and supporting instructional programs, as well as the use of data to inform instruction, the Department of Teaching & Learning supports the district in the following ways:
- Supports the development and implementation of curriculum PreK-12+
- Develops and provides professional learning for staff
- Supports a strong continuum of services for all students including, but not limited to Extended Services and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
- Provides oversight to Barrington 220’s language programming
- Supports fine, visual, and performing arts programming
- Oversees Barrington 220's equity initiatives
curriculum & Programs
Barrington 220 has a robust curriculum review cycle in order to ensure curriculum is dynamic and meeting the needs of students.
Dr. Melissa Byrne
Asst. Superintendent of Teaching & Learning
instructional materials
Teaching & Learning STAFF
Amanda Michael
Budgeting and Grant Specialist/Admin Asst to the Asst. Sup. of T&L
District Administrative Center
(847) 842-3524
Nathaniel Rouse
Director of Equity, Race & Cultural Diversity Initiatives
District Administrative Center
(847) 842-3531